Age of Innocence - Children and Guns in the USA
Photographs and preface by Laurent Elie Badessi
Text by Jennifer Carlson
Collection “Facts and Society”
144 pages - 60 photographs
Bilingual book, in French and English
Size: 24 x 23 cm
ISBN: 978-2-919436-31-6
Their names are Rylee, Donovan, Gracie, Catalyan, Lily, Michael… they are between 3 and 17 years old and live in Texas, Idaho, Louisiana, New York State… These children and teenagers posed in front of photographer Laurent Elie Badessi's camera, gun in hand, and all clearly answered this simple question: “What do you like about guns?” »
If the objective of this photographic work is to explore the obvious attraction that weapons represent for a large part of Americans, this book also invites us to look this social, political and moral reality in the face.